

Head of Schools

Iveth Valenzuela

Faith is at the very core of what we offer at Loma Linda Academy. Our prayer is that each student leaves our campus with a deeper relationship with God.

Loma Linda Academy is committed to fulfilling our mission to lead all to Grow in God’s Grace, Thrive Intellectually, Develop True Friendships, and Embrace Healthful Living. Our chaplains endeavor to plan chapels, weeks of prayer, and many other activities that help our students grow in faith and in their understanding of  God’s infinite love! Our administrators and teachers focus on offering rigorous academics within an environment of support where students can thrive. And our entire team of educators and support staff worked tirelessly to nurture a school culture where students can connect socially and develop skills to grow into individuals who are healthy both physically and emotionally. 
We are incredibly blessed, because you, our community, continues to support us and provided many resources to make our dreams and plans a reality! Because of your support almost 20% of our student body receives financial assistance to attend LLA. With your help we have been able to raise funds for projects that have a direct impact on learning in each of our campuses. Thank you for your commitment to LLA, this village provides abundantly for the children entrusted to our care, we couldn’t do it without you!

List of 2 items.

  • Mission

    It is the mission of Loma Linda Academy for all to Grow in God’s Grace, Thrive Intellectually, Develop True Friendships, and Embrace Healthful Living
  • Motto

    Eternal Principles, Intelligent Choices

Expected School-Wide Learning Results (ESLR's)

Loma Linda Academy empowers students to acquire:

List of 3 items.

  • Learning Skills through

    • Critical Thinking
    • Creative Thinking
    • Collaboration
    • Communication
  • Literacy Skills in

    • Bible Study
    • Information Sources
    • Technology
    • Social Media
  • Action Skills by

    • Serving with Empathy
    • Acting with Integrity
    • Leading with Humility
    • Persevering with Grit
Starting at the Children's Center, there is a strong spiritual framework that incorporates social-emotional learning programs, servant leadership opportunities, and meaningful connections and partnerships. As our students continue through Elementary, Junior High, and High School, we foster an environment where students encounter God.

As part of one of the largest and oldest K-12 parochial school networks in the world, Loma Linda Academy draws from years of experience in Bible curriculum. The Seventh-day Adventist Church has over 10,000 educational institutions operating in over 200 countries around the world with over 2 million students worldwide.
    • LLA Family Story

Mission.   It is the mission of
Loma Linda Academy for all to:
 • Grow in God’s Grace
 • Thrive Intellectually
 • Develop True Friendships
 • Embrace Healthful Living